Here we are at a point in our earthly human existence that we are struck with a very important issue; The Environmental Crisis. Did you hear the spooky Exorcist theme song in the background?
We are all tied up into issue, this is human nature, goes along with attachment. This one is serious, in a manner of opinion, and needs to be dealt with swiftly. There are "cures" lurking behind every corner. Everybody has the quick fix snake oil treatment, it's turning into a gimmick rather than something that needs to be addressed seriously and consciously on many levels.
Population is one of those important levels. After hearing this week about a woman that just had 8 babies and 6 more at home; the oldest being 7 years old. She's jobless, man-less, lives at home with Mom, and has had them all artificially by the age of 33. It brings up thoughts about what are we doing here?
I am not one to say YOU cannot have children, but after reading ridiculous comments about an equally ridiculous article about NOT having children I decided I could not keep quiet.
Here are MY opinions. We the people of the Earth should be allowed to have a minimum of 2 children if we choose too. We should be allowed to have more if we want without retribution.
People in poverty stricken lands should be encouraged to have only 1 no matter the sex. Those people should receive "help" of some sort by keeping the level of hungry mouths to a minimum. Perhaps "help" comes in the form of free birth control OR sterilization.
In developed countries sterilization surgeries to anybody that wants them; men and women.
If someone gets pregnant, don't punish them. It happens. I have had 2 children while being very careful. One I was on the pill, even a month into my pregnancy. Women that have tubal ligation can have their tubes grow back together and they too can get pregnant, again.
I do not advocate abortion. If it happens either deal with it or give it up. People, mostly men, need to give up the idea of it has to be THEIRS.
I do think this in-vitro business is getting out of hand. We have made our reproductive systems into toxic wastelands from the chemicals in our food, bodies, homes, air, and stuff. This is Mother Nature/God's way of squealing the brakes to a aburpt halt and saying, "NO!"
We then try to fool Mother Nature/God and find a way around to keep having babies, this time we have "litters" instead of a baby.
We do need to think of this, just as much as we need to think about growing organically, recycle, reduce, and reuse. Being Green begins with sex. If you cannot afford condoms, you cannot afford a date, let alone a baby. Go visit Rosy Palmer and watch Family Guy, or better yet, find something useful to do. Sex is a NOT a free sport.
I do not advocate stopping everyone to stop having children, nor do I advocate only one child per family. Only children grow up being very selfish, demanding, and sometimes down right obnoxious to be around. As they call the only children in China "little prince" or "little princess" based on the fact they are the onyl one and so doted over that people notice how aweful they act. Have at least 2. Besides, an only child grows up quite lonely and bored. Give them someone to fight with. Somone to talk to when they "hate" you. Gives them someone to play with when the snow is is ripe for sledding.
I just know we the human race need to get serious about all this. Really think about this logically. I am not fearing Global Meltdown, in fact in my 33 1/2 years I have noticed every few years there are people predicting total global meltdowns. Those people saying it will all come to an end, and those people preach not to bring more children in the world. How many people refused to have children in the 70's because the future was bleak. My parents snubbed their noses at those people and went ahead and had me. They had no more, but it wasn't from an illogical fear of global meltdown.
Be brave, have your kids, but THINK about it. Do you really need 14? Do you really need in-vitro? Listen to nature, your body, and do what is right.
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