Monday, September 13, 2010

Too many irons in the fire.....

Today I wanted to burst into tears at the end of the day. My house is a disaster. I have no time to clean. The laundry is backing up with no time to clean. The bare essentials are getting accomplished. I squeeze in this and squeeze in that until I have no time to think! My schedule for the next 3 months are FULL. Tightly woven and stuck in place racing at a break neck pace. Giddy-up!

I just about broke down in the car driving home from taking my boys to lunch, open gym, dropping the smaller boys at the park while James went to orientation with a friend at a Fall job opportunity. Next week begins a 13 week odyssey for James, and this week 9 weeks for Jonah and Zane, of classes. I will have to juggle and work and re-work how to get homeschooling complete, house cleaned, laundry complete, dishes done, and dinner on the table without burning it! Not to mention the twice a week music lessons and once a week tap, and Jonah's fencing class! The only day of the week we don't have a class/lesson to rush to is Friday and Saturday, in which I will then transport James to and from work in Lawrence on our days "off"!

I have to keep reminding myself to take it one day at a time, not worry about the house at the moment, focus on the schooling and the getting everybody in their place on time! It will all work out and it will be fine.

After Christmas I can sit back and relax.......Right? ;)

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