Lately I have been receiving emails bashing Obama. I thought the election was over. In fact people that tell me they do not like politics are sending me hate mail. People that do not keep up with current information send me these trash emails almost daily. This concerns me. In fact I sat back and wondered whole heartily about what is going on now.
People all over the globe came together and prayed for change. We got it. We got so much change it scared the ba-jee-bees out of people. Then the change took hold and then it scared even more people. Many of these people are reacting from fear. Reacting from their own lack. They are not even attempting to become part of the solution. They are only contributing to more fear, hate, and un-trustfulness.
What person does not want to get America out of this self induced sewage swamp hole we are living in? People are disgusted with the war efforts that we never should have been part of in the first place. People are disgusted with our health care, the deficit, the oil companies, the food industry, lack of educational funds, lobbyist, and global warming. Yet we get someone that can help and we sit on our hands and preach how much "Obama" screwed it ALL up and refuse to help him. How short your memory is. Who are you people? That is my question.
What I came up with is this. Poor and rich fundamentalist white Christians, most anyone else that is rich, and the whites that are too simple to think for themselves riding on the shirt tails of people they think are smarter than they are, i.e. followers not leaders. This is our Republican party, now.
The Christians are short changing themselves when it comes to voting Republican. The Republican party does not do as they say they stand for. They stand and help those that have lots and lots of money, i.e. big business/corporations. They care not for the welfare of those with less. They want to tell you to get a job as they go overseas with those jobs and then tell you it was your lack of education as they reduce funding to schools. They have set up a system that is set up to fail for those that lack the funds to take care of themselves. Setting up a huge divide amongst the classes. They get the poor Christians to sign up with this group with lies of helping them. They stand there "against" all that is morally wrong with this country. Then they get the vote, only to not help on those issues at all.
My personal thought here is to stop voting over issues like abortion and discussing who has more moral fiber. Vote on something more tangible. I have met many alcoholic, cheating, lying, porn hooked, bar hopping, racist Conservative Christians against abortion and arguing about "Moral Fiber!" I think it's funny how they are so wrapped up into being so superior that they cannot see they right next to them, the person they deem an unfit Liberal, does not drink, smoke, visit bars, actually GOES to church and worships God, is monogamous, and spends their Saturday night in meditation, or with a quiet small gathering, or playing board games, or better yet with their children.
I have seen this with my own eyes over and over again. What has happened? I don't really know. I don't have an answer for it. But I like the new adage; What would Jesus do?
I am pretty sure he would not care what your party line is, let's get real here, he didn't even condemn the prostitute! That speaks volumes. It's not my place to judge someone about their life and their choices. I personally do not want many partners and do not want an abortion. I think those are not something that should be done. It is not my place to be God and judge those that do. This is where separation of church and state come into play and we should let that be. Be of service to your country and stop the hateful rhetoric. Be a true American and see where you can be of service, not a disservice.