As many of you know I have several food allergies and some foods I am acutely sensitive too. This means I feel like shit when I eat them but will not cause me to keel over. About 5 years ago I did the testing needed and was told then to do the rotation diet. I couldn't do it. I sat there crying whenever I thought about it. Giving up the foods I loved was hard enough. Adding on the fact a crazy and very particular diet was more than I could handle then.
Since then I have learned to live without and function quite nicely but lately I have not been feeling well. One I started to eat some of the forbidden foods because it was easier and I was stressed enough with my mother. The dust has settled and I need to get my feel good body back. I figured now was the time to follow the diet to make it happen faster.
Are you screaming, "BUT WHAT IN THE HELL IS A ROTATION DIET?" Ok, this is the hard part and I will explain it the best I can. I eat certain foods that are withing the same food family in the same day. The cabbage family would be cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, etc... Same with dairy, herbs, and fruits. Since my list was pretty long foods I can eat was and is pretty short on certain days. This is where I think weight loss might happen. Day 1 and Day 2 are pretty skimpy. Today I ate lots on sunflower seeds, pistachio nuts, a mango and water for breakfast. Lunch was can of salmon, raw grated beets, and a grapefruit. Yeppers, today my food choices sucked ass! I survived and did 1200 steps on the stair stepper and 45 minutes on my pedal thingy. I felt kind of good. Day 2 is too depressing to think about right now!
I have 4 days then I rotate back to day 1. Monday was 1, Tuesday is 2, Wednesday is 3, and Thursday is 4 and then Friday will be the rotate back to day 1. There you have it! I am going to chug along doing my best to avoid feeling crappy! When I eat what I am suppose too and don't eat the forbidden fruits I feel like the Million Dollar Man but sometimes a chocolate something says EAT ME and down the rabbit hole I fall! ;)
Got questions, ask. It is what is and that is all there is to it.
OOPS! I meant to say my list of foods I CAN eat is short and the foods I CANNOT eat is long. And on certain days my food choices for that day reflect my skimpy short list of available foods.
Do you have to stay on it forever for it to work or is it supposed to change your tolerances for foods so you can go back to a more normal diet?
You are "suppose" to stay on it forever. Like I said, I never have tried it. I just avoided the foods. I will not stay on this forever. My body just got so whacked from eating at the hospital and mainly living on Fritos. I gained some weight and felt like crap. I knew the rotation diet would fast track me to feeling better. Now to getting back to my exercise :) Because that suffered too!
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