Friday, August 19, 2011

Rotation Diet Update

I failed to give an update on my rotation diet experiment. I only lasted one week. I was wanting to cry many times during the week but some good did come from it. 1, I am feeling better. 2, I discovered that I read my list wrong this whole time and I was not imagining the fact I felt sick after eating eggs. I am suppose to eat ONLY duck eggs and NOT chicken! 3, I also learned different ways to eat oatmel. I bought vegan mayo and make cornbread without cow dairy, wheat, and eggs. I am back to feeling good. Not great, yet, but getting there. I am back to exercising and doing my best to get out of this terrible funk. You know what I need? James Brown! Yes, sir, that man knew how to get people "up off that thang!"

I am trying to figure out a couple things. Do I respect my emotions and the feeling I need a break to recover or do I push my way through and just get on with life like nothing tramatic never happened?
When I wake up every damn morning from reliving my mothers death it takes a lot of effort to get dressed. The house is a disaster. Every room looks like a tornado hit it. I just look at it and roll my eyes. This is where I don't have the energy to deal with it. I really just want to run away. Bare back a horse and jump that fence and be free...oh alright, Jump in my mini-van and go on an adventure. Close up the house and GO!

Could this be because my mom died in my living room?

OK I totally took a detour there....

My advice, don't do rotation diets because they suck.

As what to do if your mom dies....I don't know what to tell you.

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