Sunday, August 8, 2010

just thoughts

I had some major life changing "ah ha" moments this weekend and while preparing to share them in this forum my phone crapped out, the website froze up, and then it all went away. I finally told the universe I would not share it and it's all working now. I have now decided to move away from that topic.

The Universe, God energy, whatever you want to call Her, is a very powerful force not to be ignored. Otherwise you might find yourself dealing with unplesant results. This is why I heeded my silent but annoying warnings. I am now curious. My inner child, my nosey neighbor, my oppresive big brother wants to know what is going on.

I was going to be able to disclose all. But the mere feelings behind it. I will behave. I will be silent. I will go into meditation and work through this moment.
Time will heal and life will continue. I am ready. Let's meditate, Spirits. Help me, guide me, along my path.

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