Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just to hear myself talk

The richness that the night brings is a miracle unto itself. The beauty and depth of the pure darkness, to its feverish haunting sounds, to its generously salted skies brings on a sense of peaceful fear. The night envokes all your fears and all your hopes into shadows. The dancing twig with the lone leaf becomes a fearsome demon, a dangerous dragon, or worse The dreaded unstoppable blood hungry vampire bat just waiting for you to let your guard down. The night inserts silent giggles in your tummy. A scared little inner child and the fierce adventure driven inner teenager collide and argue with on the course of action. The night is your blankie from the day, you hide underneath and live in your imagination until that mean old sun comes along and takes your fun away. Only at night does magic happen. Fairies, wood nymphs, trolls, gobblins, hobgobblins, brownies, spirtes, spirits, dragons, unicorns, and other un-worldly creatures and beasties come out of hiding. It is truly a time for magic. The darkness and depth of a country night is not for the weak hearted, for you never know what sorts of mischief you will find. Fairies dance by moonlight, dragons drinking from the neighbors pond, unicorns moon bathing. Perhaps i t is best that you continue to believe in only bugs and their mating calls and leaves that look like a scary animal and stay indoors. Leave this magic to the professional youth within!

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