Monday, May 7, 2007

Origin of family traits

I have been wrestling with some thoughts in my mind about my role in this world. What am I to do? What am I to be? Why does this always happen to me? Where am I going? Why am I here? Who are these people and why do they pretend to like me?

Have we not all had these questions?

Life as we know it is defined by not only our experiences, but of our family's experiences also.

With this blog I will examine more closely my role in this world and the role my family takes in it now, and what role did they play in it before I was concieved? Yes, concievied. Before you were born, or even a twinkle in someone's eye, your life was already being affected by what your ancestors did. After birth you were a product of family stories, rumors, religion, abuse, fashion trends, decor and stability of your physical home. You are, I am, what I/you saw, tasted, lived, did, and the people around you, what their lies did to you, unknowingly.

Let's disect the past shall we..................

Let's begin with Father.

Father has many people in his past that are intresting and some still alive that are interesting.............Join me for My Father's World.

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