Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Illogical Christians

This week I was told my Facebook status was bigotry*. I was told the verse I used was out of context and was wrong for using it in that manner. It was a picture of the infamous praying football player with a verse that said people should pray in private not like the hypocrites that pray for show.

I said that the whole Bible is out of context for us all because we are not Jewish. I also said if it, the verse, was aimed at Rabbi's then what makes the rest of us exempt?

A Christmas day status by a family member said "screw you" to people that say "Happy Holidays" and not
"Merry Christmas." His statuses got even more heated with his cousin back and forth they went. Angry words that could easily insight violence. 

When I spoke of Jesus and his non-violent message I was met with resistance and more anger.

Because I renounced my Christian faith these people automatically assume I know nothing. They think I am out to get them and stop them from their faith. I am not. Let's make that clear right now. I  am saying for you to stop and think. Think about what you are really doing and think about what you stand for. Are you really living the life of non-violence Jesus spoke of? Do you associate with people that live up to that value?

Be logical. That its all I an asking you to do. Take a step back from your holy righteousness and walk in my shoes. Be an observer to your own faith and your religion and see if you see what I see.

I see a group of people calling themselves something they are not. You are not living a non-violence lifestyle and turning the other cheek.you are not helping people with love but knocking them down with hate.

We all live together and when someone like myself asks you nicely not to spew hate over a silly greeting or stop and think about what your scripture actually says don't get angry with me.

Here is the difference.When someone questions my beliefs (which you Christians love to do and yes I have some) I shrug  it off and chuckle to myself. I don't Carree if you think I am going to hell or nor getting into Heaven. That's your belief not mine, so be it. BUT of someone like myself says we don't believe you, or says you are being very Christian like you fly off the handle and go insane with anger. This makes me think that your beliefs are not that string to begin with if someone can send thou into a rage with a "happy holidays" and "why do Christians use the Bible like a buffet?"

This non-Christian is more Christian than you think. I treat people with love, I give love, I root for the under dog, I look within and meditate (pray), and I don't look nor want violence and don't think it solves a damn thing.  Yet, I am destined for hell because I refused to do it like you do. So be it.I feel secure enough in my belief to let you have yours, I only ask you live up to the greatness of Jesus and not smear him around in the mud like camping fodder on a holiday. But if you still decide that is the way its going to be can you at least admit you use the Bible like a buffet and perhaps change the name of your religion? Just a thought.

*look up bigotry, it states a bigot is someone that HATES someone that does not believe the same as they do, does not act the way they think they should act, and does not look the way they think they should look. If you are telling me I am wrong and I am going to hell. if you say "screw you" for not saying the greeting "properly" then I have to ask; Who is the bigot committing bigotry?


~Jen~ said...

For me, personally, I believe that "Happy Holidays" would include Christmas as it is a holiday. I think a lot of folks say it as an umbrella greeting to respectfully cover multiple faiths. Does that make sense? I don't find it offensive. I also have no problem with someone, say a cashier at the grocery for example, saying, "Happy Hanukkah" if that is her belief. I would smile and say, "Thank you." I personally never say, "happy holidays." I always say, "Merry Christmas." Some might find that offensive. I have learned that I can only control what I say, not what others think about what I say. I say what I believe and do my best to be kind.

Shala said...

Your Pliny was the point I was trying to make with several people over the holiday. They didn't want to hear it.I heard, "if you don't like Merry Christmas the you should pack your bags and leave the US." I heard other dumb quotes as well. Hell, you never know when the Jew is saying Merry Christmas and the Christians saying Happy Holidays. You are a great example of God Christian.its this new flock that had got me worried. They are bad black sleep , wolves actually in sheep clothing.