Friday, January 6, 2012

Next step

Been thinking about what its my next step. What am I being called to do? What is my joy? My passion in life? My get up and go? What its it?

My kids? Yes, of course. I am taking other than that. What is calling me? Spiritual, art, what? The question I keep asking myself is how I can combine my loves to be profitable in my life. I love animals, being outside (disclaimer; on nice days), swimming, creating, working with people on a project, gardening, and setting my own schedule. I like doing all this with my kids. This its where I think, "how can I make money off this?"

I jump at opportunities and give it a go when I discover them but some how it doesn't pan out. Ok, I know I can't do an office job, tried that too. Nope, no desk jobs with no creativity involved is a no go.

So here I sit thinking about my next step. Timing is everything and obviously it its not my time. I keep cultivating skills and narrowing down my likes and dislikes to prepare further. I now know I hate being a chicken farmer! Ha!

Time will tell. Until then I have ideas and plans.I want to build a green house with solar electricity to run pumps for my hydroponic system and I want a traditional space for a green house and both on the south side to be a passive solar heated space. I want to remove the porch and enclose it and put down a concrete floor and make it a passive solar room to help great up the downstairs and grow food in it in the winter in containers and have a small rocketstove in there add well to be a heat source. Yes, I have ideas. I need funds and therefore I need that next step to obtaining them!

1 comment:

~Jen~ said...

I go through this myself. I'm always asking, "what's next?" And I am always looking for new things to do and learn. At the end of the day I am usually so exhausted from the day to day stuff of caring for a family, that I end up never getting around to trying new things. :/

I would love to find something to do that would actually contribute to the house financially. What that is, I have no idea!