Sunday, April 21, 2013

Where are all the great friends?

Sitting here today feeling low. Mostly because I'm in great need to talk to someone about myself and there is no one. Yes, I have friends. The problem is they seem to be into themselves. I know we are all egotistical at times but what I'm experiencing is just terrible friendship. I've known it a long time but who wants to admit to that? Who wants to admit their friends suck? I feel like its a reflection of myself and that hurts. It stings. It bites.

I'm not perfect, I don't pretend to be. I just don't think I've sunk to the level of my "friends." Nor have I ignored them during tough times. One friend couldn't be reached after she visited me at the hospital when my mom was in icu. When my mom died I couldn't reach her. She happen to come by someplace I was and upon seeing me asked how everything was and I told her my mom died last week. She acted all sincere then said in a whisper, " if and when your dad is ready ( insert sheepish grin) have him call me, ok? ( insert the sucking sound between teeth and cheek.)"

What the fuck? My mom's ashes are not even in an urn and she is asking to hook up with my grieving father. Needless to say our friendship has suffered greatly after that. It wasn't going so hot before because she was always hitting on my husband.

One friend had the nerve to tell me I wasn't good enough for my husband and then sexually flirted with him openly. (We don't talk anymore, obviously )

Another asked if I could share my husband. Seriously, she wanted to make a deal. (We occasionally talk but it's weird)

Luckily, I have a swell husband and graciously refused to their faces but privately was disgusted. Some friends, eh?

Then I have the friend that ditched me because her boyfriend and I talked while we were out at dinner one night. She ditched me because she didn't have balls to confront her skank boyfriend about flirting with me. I never returned the flirts but she was angry, nonetheless. (We never talk, her choice and her loss)

Then I have the single friends that never call me because I'm married. You know, because married women can't ever leave their husbands side, ever. When I meet hem at events they are shocked I came without my husband. Gadzooks, is the 1930's?

I have one stable friend at the moment but she is going through a world of shit and despair and I'm there for her, meanwhile, I have no one for me. My closest friend that I can talk to is in California. We text everyday but you really can't nitty gritty in texts.

Why is it so hard to find decent women friends? Do men have it this hard?

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