Sunday, November 14, 2010

What is work?

As many of you know I am now heading into my 3rd week of hell with regards to getting a geothermal heat pump installed. I have had a variety of men out here working. I have had diggers, installers, more diggers, managers, grunts, and in all I have had a pleasant experience with most of them, even if I felt they were lacking in skills, motivation, or a simple non-achiever type personality that has no critical thinking skills. In all they were nice men. I did have one of those moments during a conversation that I looked at the man with complete disbelief  to what he actually said to me. It was one of those moments where you know if it were legal you would club his head like a baby seal. I was so disgusted I ended the conversation and came inside. He in all his simpleton self never relaxed he had offended me. What can you do in a situation like that?  The man was telling me about his wife's job and how much he liked the perks she received. He told me how much she likes her job as well. The conversation did not turn sour until he said to me, "I am glad I have a wife that wants to work and likes to work and I don't have to worry about that."

There was this awkward silence as I stared at him thinking he would realize what an asinine remark he had just made. My husband has worked with this man on and off for over ten years. This man is KING of the Freudian slip. He has no filter available. It never developed before birth. I knew that remark was directed at me. He has made remarks in the past about me not working. As I stood there looking into his face with my tense "stupid ignorant fucker" face all scrunched and squinty eyes he kept on talking.  That is when I changed the subject and went inside. I was going to offer him food or drink but that would require hospitality and I had none left. I was all out!

I know his wife. She is nice, but (there is always a but) she told me herself she never cooks, and he does all the cleaning. I know she is a shop-a-holic and quite the social butterfly. These are not bad traits mind you but when comparing fruit you should make sure you are not trying to compare apples to oranges. She has a "job" but I don't consider sitting at a desk, playing bingo, shopping, and not cooking your meals "work."

It was a slap in the face. A complete disregard to what I do everyday as not being work. Let me take his pampered kept wife and have her shovel chicken shit, burn a field, bury dead chickens, wash poop off eggs, tend a garden, mow, pull weeds, clean the house, make home cooked meals from scratch (not a mix or box), make yogurt, meat stocks/broth, kefir, mayo, and other goodies. Lets have her do several loads of laundry a day. Homeschool the children and chauffeur them to various lessons and playgroups. Have her tend to the feeding, watering, and cleaning up after 3 boys, 2 dogs, and 3 cats, and poultry and do this all without her husband helping or even being there then we can compare who works and who doesn't.

1 comment:

Shala said...

I am going to leave this as is because of pure laziness. This mishap of misspellings, grammar errors and lost thoughts that scattered in the wind were a result from children and husband distractions. This proves my original thoughts about writting in this place. I cannot be done while they are here and awake!