Friday, November 26, 2010

sugar highs and shopping lows....its the holidays!

It's the holiday season. Shopping is in full gear. Sugar is being passed out on platters all across the country. People are hyped up and loaded on the swwet stuff and buying every stupid little trinket just because Jesus was born.

Wait. Why are we shopping for other people to celebrate another mans birth from 2010 years ago (give or take a few)?
Why do we load ourselves up with sugar products? Wasn't there a memo sent out about gluttony and greed? I got the memo. I will see if I remember what it said. Oh, yes, alright. It said something like, Gluttony is a sin. Eating copious amounts of deserts is not allowed because that is gluttony. Greed is a sin and writing out a 10 page list of objects you want and getting angry because you did not get them OR you when you push down little old ladies to buy the last TV then that is greed. Do not do this! Yes, I think it went something like that.

Anyhow, if there are so many Christians out there then why on earth do they celebrate this way? Why am I being a non-Christian celebrating it at all? How did we get sucked into this? Who started this mess? Yes, a mess! How many times did you buy something just because you felt obligated? Not because you wanted too?
We are pressured into playing the buying game. Just like the stores that. Have 2 ailse of candy for sale at Halloween. You are made to feel guilty if you decline. You are SUPPOSE to buy the candy. You are SUPPOSED to buy gifts for people you only see once a year or forced into a gift exchange of people you don't know or like. Tell me, where did we go wrong? When did this thinking begin?

Same goes for the fodder on the table. If you decline to eat the copious amounts of bad, very bad, for your health suagr you are looked at as being a weirdo. If you say no to your kids then you are simply evil.

I sometimes feel like I am in a FUN HOUSE and I am the only one not getting what is so fun. I feel like I am the only one that gets this is wrong while the rest are throwing rocks at me telling me I am a heritic!

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