Saturday, November 20, 2010


I loathe empty pointless traditions. I can no longer hold back my disgust about it. On Thanksgiving we have to have a turkey, why? We have to have mashed potatoes, why? We have to have green beans casserole with fried onions on top, why? We have to have pie after pie after pie, why? Do we really need stuffing AND rolls?
Do we really need to buy yet another can of jelly cranberry glop that ends up molding in the fridge?

Why can't we get back to the real reason of thanksgiving. It was to come together in harmony. There was no preparation other than cooking what you were bringing. The pilgrims and the Natives came together and shared a meal. They had fowl, deer, fish, pickled foods, and fresh herbs.

They did not call each other up hounding them about what are you going to bring. They did not tell others, "oh don't bring that, who eats THAT on Thanksgiving!"

No they came together in true harmony and shared a meal of goodwill. It was from the heart.

My Thanksgiving has not been from the heart my entire life. You play a game of "bring this, not that."
You then sit and watch everybody avoid the item you brought because "you eat weird."
Then you get asked the next year to bring a dish only to have the family say, "oh well I am buying.." after you have already bought the ingredients.

I am bah-humbug. Very much so. I am not appreciated in what I bring to the table. I don't get excited about being ordered around and thinking about and stressing over a meal that is suppose to be about THANKS.

I am thankful when the meal is over and I can come home.

Then I can begin thinking about the next two major food holidays us non-Christians participate in, Christmas and Easter. Thank God the next big one is in July, Independence day! I get a few months to avoid "Traditions!"

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