Sunday, November 17, 2013


My husband and I have been watching a TV show called 4400. Tonight one of the main characters said, "war divides, religion unites."

It's true. If you want  people to come together you get them all on board with the idea of God. President Regan understood that, well at least the groomers did, and they used that to get the votes. The second President Bush got everybody on the God train, as long as it was Christian bound, to support him to rid us of " the evil doers" that happen to be Muslim. 

The best helpers with changing the way people eat was religious people eating like the Bible said to do and eating raw fresh foods. Their influences have been the biggest help to the agnostic and atheist hippie granola crunch folks getting their message across. My raw milk farmer is one of those bible eating folks. Raw milk, pasture eggs, raw butter, yogurt, cheeses, etc... She grows her own veggies, raises her own meat, and lives the way she thinks God would want her to without pesticides for her garden, antibiotic regimens for cattle, and cooking milk to death. She is humane, sustainable, and clean. Religion was helpful for the whole foods movement.

Now I'm seeing  Christian and Jewish vegetarian groups besides the typical Hindu faiths. Environmentalists that are Christian or Jewish are being seen as well. Speaking about being stewards of the earth. Gay pride groups that are religious based are also popping up. 

When we are at war with people that are against us or our values we grapple to find unity and safety. Religion is that place  for many folks. Finding commonality we can set down our arms of war and embrace the olive branch of peace. Religion has a dark side but it can be helpful as well. It can help bring awareness to civil rights issues, animal welfare, environmental issues, and food safety concerns to the foreground quickly because they are already organized in their worship of God. 

Perhaps I need to put aside my cynical mostly atheist views and join my fellow religious brethren into peaceful reform of the world. 

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