Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weight loss...

I've lost another pounds this week. All together I've lost about 8lbs. I don't feel cheated but I do need to make sure my choices are wise. Since Weight Watchers uses the point system I've started giving everything point values too. One gluten free pancake made with 1/4 batter is 7 points. That doesn't fill you up, ever. My breakfast I just had was 5 and I'm stuffed. I sauteed an onion, used left over green beans and cabbage from previous meals, and one serving of ham. I ate this with half of an avocado. The points for the ham and two for the avocado the veggies are free. I groan, now, every time someone asks for pancakes.

I keep asking my hubby to join me and he refuses. This would be so much easier with someone not eating chocolate bars in front of me or asking for desert and wanting to go out to eat multiple times in a week.

It is what it is

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