Friday, September 30, 2011

A storm...

A storm came down and poured its hard hitting drops upon my head. Stinging my skin with the sharp chill in every drop. I tried to shield myself but it was hopeless. The rain came down in buckets. On and on it went drenching me down to the bone. Rain soaked through to my soul and seeped into my heart. Millions of drops and complete lonliness stranded in the street soaking wet yelling for help and no one can hear over the rain. It just keeps coming and the pounding and smothering the pleas. At last I see a little shelter of the generous hobo and sip his rot gut whiskey with him. The warmth enters my veins and I forget in a moment in time how cold, wet, and helplessly lost I am. The storm is letting up but still I sit in the hobo shack bidding my time while I wait for someone to help me up from my drunk warm stupor.

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