Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today our book got tense. The dragon might be dying, an old cat like man was almost killed by murders, kids helped the man escape, there is a weird apparition on the island and all I can think of is, "no more, its too tense."

I could leave the book right now and never look back. I have a library of unfinished tense books lying about. I realized something today while telling my husband pout loud I wanted to quit the book.

I'm not a quitter or a looser, I am a wimp. I don't like the tense moments. It's to real for my liking in my head.

I'm your classic crab. I have a hard shell and difficult to get past my pincer and shell but if you do you will find tender softness.

I have worked a couple times on running away from problems. I've admitted to people I can let go with ease if trouble is brewing.

I'm not one to wait and see how it turns out. I hightail it to safety and wait until the silt settles and I creep out only to go the other way.

I'm keeping on my toes because now I'm conscious of my bad habits and I'm working on changing that. And wouldn't you know it the Universe heard and answered.

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