Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I am coming to you from my phone. I have never blogged so blind before.......

I was looking at myself in the mirror today and I was struck with the idea how absurd our desire for nice hair really is. We spend millions of dollars a year to keep it bouncy, trimmed, shiny, thicker-looking, and colored. That is not all. We perm straight hair and straighten curly hair. We fluff up limp hair and smooth down the fluff. We style it and douse our head with chemicals so dangerous we wear gloves to protect our hands. The fumes burn our eyes and we know certain death if you were to ingest, yet we march into the "beauty salon" and demand these toxic treatmants. Why? I don't know.I am just as guilty. I have had pink,blue,green,purple,black,brown,blonde,and red. I have highlighted, permed, deep conditioned, and shaved. I look in the mirror and ask myself, "Are you worth any less or worth any more because of your hair?" No, no,no,no! I am still me no matter the color,curl,fuzz,flips, and cow licks. I have decided everyday is a perfect hair day.....for ALL!

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