Monday, January 18, 2010

not a puppet

(From phone, no spell check)

Today I watched a video talking about education in America and even in Japan. The piece that moved me into thought was the mentioning of how schools deaden creative thought. They squelch the entire spirit out of the child and want complete conformity. Learn how to do meaningless work and follow instructions to a "T" without quetioning the powers that be. Then when these kids get to college and beyond they do not know to think for themselves. They do not have any creativity to bring to the table. Japan comes into play because they are far more rigid than Americans. They have even more issues than we do when it comes to businesses needing free thinkers.

What are you called if you do not do your school work? What are you called if you say something everybody does mindlessly is wrong and you refuse to do it anymore? Trouble maker! You are feared! There would not have been any civil rights movement if we did not have a few dangerous free thinking trouble makers around. Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, and many other people behavior issues that changed the way we think.

As I see it homeschooling, I should say, unschooling is a way to create more free thinking adults into the world.
My question now is the world ready for my unruly non-conformist free thinking boys unleashed into the cookie cutter society?
I. Am proud to be raising deliberate conscious free thinking creative disobident non conformist that will change they way you think!

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