Thursday, January 28, 2010

Christians Vs the rest of us

(Couldn't sleep, from phone in bed)

The title here will make some cringe and others rejoice. I am here only to state my opinions and not bash. I want to make that clear. I am though noticing from many people an awakening in being Christian. More and more people are choosing to be catagorized as such. I blame the fear mongoring media after 9/11 and the fear Muslims will come get us. This surge of the new Christedom is also being met with a new culture of free thinkers. People, like myself do not wish to be pigeon hole or shoe boxed in. We do not find comfort in dogma and religion. These fre thinkers come in many differnt shape, sizes and beliefs. I for one do believe in Spirit but not the dogma/rules and I do not believe Jesus was as people believe say he is. He was a mortal flesh man with spirit that "got it" and his message got twisted, changed, and distorted. I believe the Bible HAD its place and its no longer needed.

I see so many religious people telling me I will find joy with the Lord. Yet they look miserable. What you want me to join your messed up dis-eased world? No thank you. If I am not happy now, talking to a dead guy will not make it any better. Happiness, joy, love all comes from within, not without. Looking outside myself for peace will always keep me searching and never taking responsibility for myself.

I truly believe we attrack, create, and make our own truths/world. Like it or not. We are the masters of our own universe. Don't believe me? Start by listening to those around you. Those that speak of health or sickness the most have it. Those that speak of being victimized continue to, always in the most unexpected places. "I am sick and tired of you....of this...." those people that talk like this tend to be sick and tired all the time. Its very simple, yet it alludes many.

I went on a personal tangent; the point here I wanted to make is this. I am not going to join your side any more you want to join mine. Save your energy and let's make a deal not to force each others views. Ask questions. You wanna die to get to happy joyful super duper heaven, great. Do it. But I am going to enjoy myself here on earth and be thankful for my living. Why else would I come if it wasn't to have fun and enjoy myself?

Peace to all who have beliefs and opinions. Love thy neighbor does not mean beat him over the head with your bible.

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