Tuesday, February 23, 2010

giving up grains

Some people might think I am doing a strange new diet fad. Some might contribute it to Lent, but then that means they do not know me well. Some will ponder about doing it too. I am not doing a fad diet. I am not doing this for Lent, although it was started around the same time. No, I am simply giving my body a rest, a fast if you will, from grains and legumes. Hindus do it once a month, a fasting from grains from sun set to sun up. I am going longer to let my body heal from the years of grain build up.

I recently heard about a group of people that eat a paleolithic diet, aka, The Caveman Diet. You do not eat grains, beans, legumes, and that includes peanuts and cashews. These people state that our bodies evolved to eat a hunter-gather diet. We are not to eat agricultural diets. Meaning eat foods that must be planted, cared for, harvested, and take time to cook and prepare for eating. This even means corn, that SHOULD. Be soaked in lime before ingesting.

The proponents for this diet swear they are healthier than ever. Lean, trim, and feeling great. The leader is an elderly man with the testosterone and sex drive of a 19 yr old with the body of an athletic 30 yr old. He is almost 80.

I read an article stating some people with wheat allergies or gluten sensitivities should abstain from eating oats until their body had healed. This got me thinking about going grain free for a while. I am still pondering how long I want to go. I agreed with myself to take it week by week. I am on day 4 going on day 5 and I feel like a junkie needing a fix. I whispered to my beer, "Not today." I caressed the popcorn container, opened and sniffed the grits, licked my lips thinking of gluten free toast.

This is proof I must forge on and continue my quest of grain free life style....for a little while longer. *forgive my spelling errors I am typing from a droid phone.  

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