Monday, February 22, 2010

Negativity and its impact

We all have those moments when we say something negative or think something negative. The goal here is not to make it your life. Negative thinking is poison. Most people agree what you think about and what you speak about you create in your world, but people have seemed to miss the connection between those two ideas.

We must forget that those negative words and phrase and bad attitudes are shaping your destiny. Every time  you groan, mumble, bitch, complain, every time your emotions are dancing like flames, licking your words as they leap from your mouth you are creating it for the future.

Why then do humans do this not only daily but with nearly every segment of their day?
Carrying on about sickness. Talk about criminals and what they do to people. Talk about accidents. Talk about hate, poverty, lack, and victimhood.

It is such a downer for myself to be around people that talk endlessly about negative issues. Never talking about what they love, cherish, desire, enjoy. They tell me what they fear, hate, don't want, and do it with so much energy and passion that my body begins to feel tense. I feel ill at ease. I am being sucked into their vortex of hell. I don't like that feeling. That is a hint to run. Find the solace of joyful beings.

Life is about what you make of it and you make it with every breath you speak out. With every passionate thought you think. Every time to repeat yourself about sickness, despair, and woes you create more. Take that passion people and place it where you have love, desire, dreams of betterment. Talk to people about things that make you smile. Talk about the life you want. Breathe in the love and exhale peace. Make your mind up to change. Make up your mind to be different than everyone else. Decide your life is and will be beautiful. Decide your children are safe and healthy. Decide you are empowered. Decide you are abundant. Rich with friends, love, money, and....(fill in the blank)

Next time you feel that feeling that you KNOW does not feel like peace, goodness, and love; STOP keep your mouth shut and think of something good. Try it. Take a deep breath if you have too. Stutter if you must. Blink your eyes if it's feeling difficult. But DO IT! Your life will change and you will in turn affect those around you to be more positive too.

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