Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I lie here in bed with a deep desire to sleep but my eye burns and my throat is scratchy with an intense tickle. With these minor issues along with my constantly spinning thoughts I decided to spend some time to purge. Then I can rest easier.

Tonight someone mentioned in a thread that there was a little of so in so in all ladies, written by a woman. A man then said that was NOT true. Until I can read the book I can only speculate what they could be talking about.

I started thinking about women I know after reading that comment. I know a lot of differnt kinds. Everything from cold prudes to sexed up nymphomaniacs. Friends with a tantra teacher and friends with the opposite. What amazes me more than anything is you CANNOT judge a book by its cover. Some of the most sexed up women I know are simple regular looking average janes. On the same token a hot babe that dresses like a hooker could careless. Then you have every combination there on. I know the same goes for men. But the media would have you believe something else entirely.

I wonder how many people out there are missing out on great sex because they looked at the cover? How many people are expected to like it or want it based on this perception? The one thing that still boggles my mind more than anything else are those people grossed out from french kissing.

I could go on but I won't. I don't want to scare anybody and give away my views on sex, which I think we need more of...but that is another story for another time. I will now go to sleep before my cough drop wears off.

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