Saturday, October 16, 2010

It was here a minute ago....

I had a thought and it slipped away like an important piece of paper, with that  hot chic's number on it that you were going to call tomorrow, in the wind; gone forever.

I suppose I have nothing of real importance to offer up to the world at large. I have nothing of humorous value. Not a shed of evidence to prove or disprove global climate change. Nothing on the dangers or safety of vaccines. I have nothing to say at all really. Yet I sit here and type. Why? Because I went to a writers convention and they said to WRITE! Write, write, write, and then write some more. Do this until your fingers fall off and your brain looks to be the size of a peanut; cut in half. Then write some more DAMN IT! Ok, they were not that harsh. I think the author said twice, "write and then write some more, even if you think you have nothing to write about." I thought my perception on the whole thing was way more persuasive. You really felt the need to write, right? Lie, will ya? Make me feel better!

I am not against people lying to me to make me feel better. I have had enough of the truth to "set me free" and let me tell you that freedom sucks! I would they rather tell me they love me to get into my pants than to say, "yeah, I am horny and you are the only hole around so I wanna poke it."  Not that I have had that opportunity much in my life. I always wonder if I am worth the trouble for the tumble. I shouldn't complain. Sam still finds me groovy and that says a lot, because that is a man that will not under any circumstances LIE to get what he wants. He will point blank tell you to your face what he wants and not sugar coat it. IF he sugar coats it then he is being honest to the core. Which is pretty hot. Yet, sometimes it makes me hot in another way as well. You know that kind of hot. The kind you are sweating and you have not done anything and if you do the cops will be dispatched to your house. Yeah, that's the kind of hot I am talking about.

What do you expect? We are both, BOTH, Aries. There is enough fire in this house to melt the poles in an hour! Did I mention my oldest son is also an Aries! Woo-wee. When we argue you better watch the fuck out because we will take you down! My other sons are mild mannered and quite gentle beings... Cancer and Gemini; NOT! The Cancer is very calm, gentle, and reserved then out of NO WHERE he reaches his pincher out and like a pit bull on meth, he will not, I repeat, will NOT let go. The whole time he is screeching and yelling. Then he let's go because eventually he wants to go back to being alone more than he wants to be stuck on you with his pincher and whimpers off down the hall. The Gemini, well what can I say? He IS a Gemini twin for sure. I think Satan is his twin but thankfully he is more of an imp influence and not the full blown devil. He has that other side of his twin (an angel of questionable value) standing by reminding him that if he doesn't do something too bad, then it will only be viewed as an annoyance and he can get off the hook relatively easy. His Imp has decided that pinching, pulling hair, smacking butts, and saying "CHICKEN BUTT" whenever someone says "what?" is fun. We have deemed this evil and unacceptable behavior and have tried exorcism with kisses, only to find out he, the Imp,  LIKES THAT!

I could have saved myself the headache and married a clean freak Virgo and I could relax some knowing his OCD-ness would keep the house clean. I could have done worse by marrying a freedom loving and daydreaming Aquarius, or worse the Libra man that cannot make up his mind. Those are the commitment-phobes you hear about.

I have written enough. I need to go to bed and get going in a few hours. My well has run dry. Quite a bit for someone with nothing to say.


Tracy Million Simmons said...

I quite enjoyed these thoughts and am glad you posted. More? More? Have you considered NaNoWriMo? You have an excellent writerly voice and I love to see you exercise it.

Shala said...

Never heard of NaNoWriMo