Thursday, October 14, 2010

weird thought

The other day I thought when I was a kid the other kids would say I would die from something strange and weird. Die from something other people don't die off. When I remembered this I laughed because at the time I would have agreed with them. I was infamous for getting weird strange ailments. I was sick all the time. I had the hardest time feeling and beingwell. It has only been in the last 5 years I started to feel like I think people should feel like. I am not achy, sick, tired, and miserable. I know it is because I have changed the way I eat. I threw out the fast food, the pop, candy, and grocery store prepackaged foods. I ditched trans-fats and HFCS. I went and had allergy testing done and discovered that my current healthy diet was not exactly healthy for ME! I got rid of wheat and cow dairy, forever, and watch myself closely with others. I am rarely sick. The occassional sniffle, scratchy throat, and run down. But I don't get the "omg take me to the hospital" sickies!

This is not the case with MANY of my FB pals my age. They are having surgeries, taking lots of meds, complications, side effects, and many many trips to Dr appointments and ER visits! They are ALWAYS sick!

I laughed about how they thought I will die of some strange unexplained reason. I laughed because I know now what that will be, OLD AGE! Won't I be the weird one to actually die from getting old. LOL

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