Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We need to talk...

.....Famous last words to a perfectly good day.

I've been having these types of conversations with loved ones lately. My desires and wishes and needs are not being met. I decided I needed to let those people around me that I was unhappy and I expected change.

Change is inevitable; it happens. I want it to happen in a positive loving manner.

My life; inner and outer feels chaotic and  in turmoil. Nightmares, disconnect with loved ones, and armed to the gills with satanic slurs. My feelings of frustration is real. I am disgusted with how I'm being treated. I'm working on finding and being myself.

I've been really calm with this. I've been really sincere. I'm not playing games. I just need people to realize I am not a piece of stone that doesn't feel. I'm not a doormat. I'm not an idiot, piece of trash, or worthless heap.

If you find me going into seclusion then I'm probably avoiding your drama.

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