Monday, October 28, 2013

No meat for you

Lately I've heard of people that go without meat because they are too poor to pay for it. I get that. Really, I do. I know there are folks out there that are too poor for meat. I also know that the two folks I heard complaining are also smokers. 

I have a really hard time with this notion that you are too Porto buy meat but not too poor for cigarettes. I have watched cigarettes destroy my family. I loathe them. They are evil. You get so addicted that food becomes secondary to your fix. That is a hard core addiction. It's completely and underly disgusting habit. Yet, I see it consuming more and more people each day. Friends that use to smoke only when drinking now carry electric cigarettes so they can "smoke" in non-smoking areas and smoke real cigarettes the rest of the time. 

The people I know that complain they have no meat and smoke look terrible. In fact, I'm now looking at people that have been smoking since high school that are my age and we look vastly different in age. Our voices sound different as well. They are starting to cough and, well, the smell. 

I digress, I am saddened and disgusted to see people sit and complain about not being able to have this or that because they are broke but they continue to make themselves poor. Want meat? Find a way to stop smoking. No, it's not easy. It's hard. It is very very very hard. I know first hand. I smoked over 10 years before I quit. I still crave them almost 14 years later. No, not easy, but neither is COPD, EMPHYSEMA, CANCER, AND DEATH. Ever watch someone die? It's not like the movies. They don't just close their eyes and peacefully slip away. The lucky ones have a hospice nurse nearby giving strong drugs that makes the whole thing go faster and smoother. 

I would really like those people that complain about not having meat and sit down and show them how much their smoking is really costing them. I know it won't change anything but I want them to know it is up to them. Not my fault they've no meat. This rests solely on their head. 

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