Monday, January 27, 2014


I'm looking into sending my kids to homeschool academies. What is that? That, my friend, is a school that meets once, no more than three, times a week. Currently J2 and Z are going to a Waldorf class once a week. That is 4 hours of instruction on various topics. Z can go for another 2 years. This is J2s only year he can go. 

My hubby likes the idea of them going to a homeschool academy except the fact it is Christian. I mulled it around and I know, KNOW, my boys are not ready for traditional school. Z needs it because he refuses to join anything, try anything, do anything other than video games. He's not willing to meet people, etc... Next week he's going to start a once a week school. It's all day. He will cover all the subjects like traditional school. I'm guessing it will be a struggle but it's only once a week. If all goes well he can stay there for another 2 years before moving on to the 3 day a week school. 

The other school, where J2 might go, is 3 days a week, full days, and is a college prep. We are going to tour both schools this week. I'm just going to bite my tongue on huge Christian thing. They need this and I need this too.

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