Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 4

In the diet you are encouraged to eat all your daily points so your body doesn't think it's starving and shut down weight loss. I'm having trouble eating all those points because your biggest point snatchers come from food I do not eat or eat little of, as in dairy (not at all) and meat (very little). I also don't do a lot of sugar products and that is a big point item as well. You take away those things, the typical American diet staples, and your left with grains (which I adore) and oils (yum yum). There is that avocado lurking around that uses a lot of points because it's fatty, yum. 

When you get down to my typical day it's veggies, fruit a couple times, carbs. I can only eat so many carbs because I will get bloated. I don't do too much fruit because of the sugar. I tried a candy last night, because I had enough points left for a small meal, and my caramels were one point each because they were made with coconut milk. I couldn't even be sinful with candy! 

They ask you not to weight yourself until your check in day and that is Tuesday for me. In two days I will see if this diet is working or not. In the meantime I will enjoy my yellow bell pepper, onion, and cilantro stir fry topped with kimchi on a bed of rice. 

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