Thursday, March 27, 2014

Diet fail

I've given up on the diet. Even while being faithful and exercising I started to gain. I stopped after watching a video on Gaiam Tv from an Ayurvedic physician about diets. I did some research and I bought his book and I'm starting the first phase tomorrow. First phase is you eat 51% from the season your in food's list and you eat only 3 meals a day. When give comfortably mastered not snacking at all you move into the next phase, so on and so forth. It's all about not stressing and figuring out how much or what kinds of foods you need to sustain yourself until the next meal. He advices to play with that aspect until it's a stress freeand works. He also says gaining weight in the winter is normal and not to be stressed either.

I've never read such a natural instinctive diet. His philosophy is simple, honest, and  seems easy enough to follow. You tweak for your body type and try to eat as many of the foods for that season.

There are 3 seasons; winter, spring, summer. Fall is included in winter because you are in fact eating fall foods in the winter.

Winter is high fat and high protein meals. Your cheese, nuts, meat, and fats. Slow down and hibernated.
Spring is low-fat and low-protein cleansing diet. Lots of spring greens, sprouts, etc. It's detox and get active time.
Summer is high-carb; cooling pasta and fruits to keep you going longer for the longer days. Then cycle back to winter's thick warming foods to cuddle up too.

I'm excited. The funniest part is that I've been naturally doing what he said. I've been eating lighter, juicing to detox, etc... plus his herbs I've been taking as well fir the spring season without knowing he was going to say that. I just could feel it in my body I needed something different.

I hope this lifestyle change helps.

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