Sunday, March 9, 2014


A cat peed in our room as we slept. We woke to the odor. We've been housing them inside because of the extreme weather. My husband, who agrees to build a cat house, never builds one. Last year one of the cats almost died trying to get warm but being in an old car the neighbor abandoned. She couldn't get back out of the awkwardly placed hole in the windshield. My children happened to walk by and see her jumping around and meowing. She was starved and dehydrated. It was terrible! Another cat came home with singed fur. He was trying to get warm someplace and almost got too warm. My husband, and his heartless family (towards animals) think this is just nature. This year, when it got cold, I brought them in. He was angry. I tried to make Rubbermaid houses but they got wet inside and wasn't warm enough. The year before I Jerry-rigged an old chicken house into a cat house. They could use it after it snowed because the snow was too deep to get to it. I was heartbroken to see how they were fairing. My husband's hardened harsh heart saw nothing wrong.

Well, today, as our bedroom smells of urine, he washed his hands of this again and said, "I hate animals in the house." And then added as he walked out of the room shaking his hands, "you can handle this."

What exactly do you handle, HUSBAND?

Everything seems to be of my expertise.

What's more annoying than this is the fact he wants to get higher in his spiritual life yet he can't see the connectedness, or in his case the disconnectedness, of the situation.

We, as humans, are connected to everything. We are all one. We can't treat one creature/human poorly then meditate ourselves to enlightenment. The enlightenment comes from seeing, feeling, and knowing that connectedness and embracing it. By doing what we can avoid harming others. Loving others, and animals, as they are and not expecting your behavior to be theirs. No judgement. All LOVE.

I wish I could say that's my husband but it's not. I can't say I'm 100% but I'm not nearly as low as him. :-\

Compassion he lacks for this situation. Cat pees in OUR room. They always pee after he's angered them. He says it is my problem. No compassion for the mega ton load of laundry heaped upon my head. No compassion at all.

He can't see it. He can't see any of what I say. He thinks so highly of himself, his family speaks of it too, that his ego is bigger than the empire state building. How could he see the piles of laundry, dishes, dirty cat litter, trash that needs to go out, laundry folded, etc.. from such a high place?

I love him. He knows not what he does. I'm frustrated and telling him seems to make the frustration worse. He gets so defensive. His untarnished blemish free existence heaped upon his head from every woman not living with him can't handle the human truth. YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER!

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