Friday, June 20, 2008

Children in the back seat chattering about a silly pretend world. The oldest in the seat beside me trying to explain mufflers and the environmental impact of "crappy old mufflers."

A CD is on the verge of being to loud, but it is alright with me because my memories are enjoying the jog into the past with the lyrics,
"Will the wind ever remember
The names it has blown in the past,
And with this crutch, its old age and its wisdom
It whispers, "No, this will be the last."
And The Wind Cries Mary."

All is well as I drive down the road. All is well and peaceful.
I take a moment to thank the Spiritual Powers that Be and let my soul grin with Motherly Delight!

It did not matter at that point the blueberry patch had no berries to pick after our hour long trip, it did not matter that I had gone the wrong way.

We were together, we were happy. The inside of the car was serene and I basked in the bliss of the rarity presented to me. The gift was given and savored.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

With an attitude of gratitude I slip off to bed and await another beautiful day tomorrow.

Yes, the Universe is kind and generous, you just need to pay attention.

Good Night!

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