Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The number 4

I love the number 4. I had this thought while driving home tonight, and I felt compelled to tell no one and also to tell everyone. This is a blog! LOL!

So what is up with a simple number 4? Let me tell you, it sounds great with any other number and stands alone nicely too. It's like a pair of brown or black garment or shoes, it goes with everything.

That is the number 4..............

.....on a differnt note............

Tonight I went to a Multi-cultural meeting. It was very intersting. I enjoyed myself. I really did.

No nude dacing for this chic tonight, but hey, maybe someday again..........LOL!

OK I really need to head to bed and do Sudoku and drink my herbs.

My only problem with this whole thing is this, I like these meetings. I want to seak up, but I am an introverted thinker.

In short I take it all in, like a sponge. Then I get home, wring it out into the basin and sort through all the soakings. Then I think about each one carefully. I drive myself mad and everyone else around me as I sort through my scattered thoughts. Then I begin to form them back together. Then I desperately want someone to talk to about it and they are already thinking about hte new subject. So I hunt down my husband and pounce on him with my thoughts. He struggles free, gasps for air and says, "I don't know what you are talking about!!!"


no really, I am going to bed now.................

And I am not using spell checker, too damn late!

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