Friday, June 13, 2008


I have reached Friday. No Hubby and no oldest child. It was weird, to say the least. I think I handled it remarkably well. I hate to say this out loud, but I have not missed my Hubby. I miss my Oldest, not that he has much to do with me these days. I am not longer cool, hip, and all that. He always thought I was trying to be something I shouldn't. An old fashioned soul that one, he better change or become a fundamentalists, or he will not fit in with the modern woman someday.

I am more worried about my Oldest than anything. He is at Boy Scout Camp, the night after those Scouts in Iowa were killed a tornado whipped through the town his camp is located, with touch down. I have yet to hear about it, my Hubby called 2 hours after it happened to say they were OK and He loved me and hung up. Their are 800 campers there all needing to call home.

Anyhow, as for the missing part. I find this odd. Then again, I do not find it too odd. I grew accustomed to Hubby being away when he was in the Navy. That was a long time ago, and since then I found it very difficult with him away. But this time I did not find myself yearning for him. I found myself not even thinking of him. I was preoccupied with other things.
Now, I know him well after 15 years of marriage, if I was gone he would tell me how much he missed me lying next to him in bed.
I found myself enjoying the fact I had no one saying, "turn off that light" and making weird obnoxious noises from their head, and no one groping me. was a breath of fresh air!

Do I want to leave him? No, I just needed space, a time to myself. No man bugging me about sex, no one snoring, and no one telling to turn off my light while I read!
This is why you see old people with separate rooms. :)

My younger two are watching Savage Sam. I have been letting them watch a movie before bed every night with Dad and Bubby gone.
Dad would complain they are up to late and Bubby would be pissed they are in the computer room while he is listening to music and IMing his buddy.

I heard back from the school. My oldest does not have a class this coming Fall. Back to homeschooling. I am actually, Hubby does not know yet, looking into places to relocate too.
North Carolina and Wisconsin seem the most promising. My middle child is pissed about this idea. He wants to stay here and go to school with his friends. My youngest is all for it. The place in NC is 3 hours from Myrtle Beach. The place in Wisconsin is gorgeous with greenery everywhere! I still need to talk to Hubby and Son. Then go from there. Nothing is set in stone, ever!
My MIL wants to be the teacher, and we pay her. I am thinking her price is very high. Not to mention all the supplies we need to buy. I think she is not being realistic here. The school deferred those costs out, and I was not stuck with it all. We paid a supplies fee, but they made bulk orders and it cost a lot less, plus they got the discount and the tax free for being a 501 3c.
I do not have those things. Also I think my oldest might throw a fit knowing it is Grandma as teacher, LOL. She even said Hubby might throw a fit because he remembers her as his homeschool teacher! LOL!

So much to do, think, and all that jazz.
Instead I think i will go watch a movie with youngest, drink my herbs and do Sudoku with my light on :)

1 comment:

Shala said...

I am going to go on record that I write these things after dark. This means after all reasonable function is gone. If their are misspellings, major grammar issues, etc....please ignore this and know I am tired!

On another note, I cannot get their cloack to work. It shows I am leaving posts at 7pm, when it was actually closer to midnight!

Go figure!

Kisses :)