Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Life lessons

I am finding it so interesting how life works. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one paying attention. Sometimes I wish I was paying better attention and had more faith.

Right now I am watching all kinds of drama unfold. I am having a tough time remembering to not sink into the drama and have faith it will all work out in the end.

What happened?

In short, the funding was pulled from my oldest son's class. This funding kept the school above water. Without it there was not going to be a class. The people that were giving the large donation decided to quit and take their child out of the school for next year. Where does that leave myself and the other parents? Up shit creek with a hole in the boat and no paddle to boot.
We had a very long meeting with the Board and Faculty. Finally I asked the teacher (our class teacher) to leave the room, he did. All the parents then went into why he was not a good teacher. No he was not a good teacher, I agree, but I also was to damn scared before to say so because finding someone to be a teacher to a mixed aged class and in small town Ks town, well, you can see what I mean. But after the funds were gone and the school wanted to know how to keep the teacher we all stood up and said, "NO!"

Where does the life lessons come into play?
I have been observing patterns I have seen in past relationships that went sour taking place right before my eyes between other people. I can now stand back and say, "humm, I see that she is lying and he is clueless and oh, wait, everybody put him on the pedestal, oooo.."

I abhor the "pedestal!"
You want disappointment that will crush your soul and make you feel completely depleted put someone on a pedestal. Crown them and call them the Almighty Lord and know they will do not wrong because you put them there, how could it be??

Priest were put on the pedestal.
Doctors, police, and judges.
too much power given away and people lose their minds when they are given that much power. Absolutely lose their minds. Can't think, forget how to be human and think with their hearts. They begin to wander and stray into territories of absolute lack of judgement, step over the line of "out of character" and abuse the power bestowed upon them.

Give a mortal power of the pedestal and you will surely be greatly disappointed in time.

I have also noticed how when people put these "Gods" on the pedestal they can do no wrong in their eyes and when people find out they did wrong they deny it. Everybody else is wrong and therefor should be dealt with. This person then will lash out, ignore, be passive-aggressive, and/or all of these things at once. I have also learned it is best to let the Worshipers find out on their own or have enough people to join you in tearing down the pedestal and making the God a simple screwed up Man. If you don't have enough people, then you are simply screwed yourself. You will be considered the Taliban and will be shunned.

This is why I kept my mouth shut, this teacher was a God on a pedestal by the Faculty and Board.

I had to wait until enough parents got together and spoke about how they did not approve of his ways. We then brought down the house of worship swiftly. TNT baby!

He will be leaving and now we must figure out what to do. We have options like find a new teacher, not many Steiner trained teachers around here that are unemployed. Another option is homeschool co-op.

We have a couple months to think about this.

Until then I will remind myself to have faith that the best possible situation will happen. I will also remember my lessons I have learned from failed relationships of the past. They have served me well this week :)

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