Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hurt feelings

I don't know why I expect my husband to have a different opinion. I don't know why I even bother to show him my work. I rarely see his body language say, " I love it."  It usually says, " oh god, not again." 
He compares my art with his very realistic hallmark card looking sister's art. I will never ever be her. I don't want to be her. I like her art. She is talented. She is realistic. I'm not that person. I'm not ever going to be that person. I don't like being compared with her. She has her style and I have mine. It is obvious to me my husband does not like my style. 

I'm hurt because I had an expectation he would enjoy in my enthusiasm. Instead I got the opposite. I got the awkward silence. Then nod. The backing away. The changing of the conversation. I then cornered him. I told him I could tell he didn't like it and he then lied. Like I can't read his body language of repulsion. 

I have people that love my work. It hurts that the person I chose to be with doesn't like it and doesn't expend energy in loving encouragement and cheer. 

A part of me does not want to paint when he acts like that. It's like nothing I do impresses him, ever. Well, blow jobs, but I'd rather mean more to him than THAT.  

Expectations....what a bitch. A buzz kill. A wet blanket. 

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