Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hair cut

Yesterday I got my hair cut short. Really short. My friend said she has never seen my hair this short. I reminded her I Shaved my head after my mother died 2 years ago. I went from middle of my back hair to none. She said she didn't remember that. 

My husband gets home from work and says he hasn't seen my hair this short since he was in the Navy. What? He hasn't been in the navy for over a decade. In that time I've had my hair short, very short, several times. I then reminded him of me shaving it after my mom died. It was the most surreal moment. It's like I walked into the twilight zone. No one seems to remember me with short hair. 

Did I fall out of this dimension only to fall back in place with a different memory of a different time line? 

I sometimes feel completely invisible. The hair cut they don't remember just clenched it. 

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