Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I believe....part 2

I am not going to give this much thought just let my heart or gut or whatever you like to say is speaking for me....

I believe people should have the right to eat whatever they like. You want raw milk? Go for it. If you want chemicals then more power to ya. No restrictions. I do believe we should be informed about our choices though. Knowing that aspartame is a neurotoxin will help me decide if or when to ingest it. I believe in truth. Don't tell me marijuana is bad for me and pharmaceuticals are safe when more people die from legally prescribed drugs than illicit ones everyday. Let me decide if its safe. I believe people should be allowed to decide their life path. Schooling, careers, lifestyles, etc...
I believe people should feel free to worship or not worship without fear. I also believe no one should tell someone else to believe in what they do. I believe organized religion is unsafe. I believe every organized religion should be protected by law if one is allowed to be protected. I believe patriotism can be dangerous as well. You forget to look objectively at your country's dealings and become blinded by the flag you are carrying. I believe you should have the right to treat yourself to any medication you want. Cocaine, morphine, marijuana, Tylenol, or nothing at all. Whose body is it anyways? 
I believe you should have the right to be delusional and weird. The right to be moody and sad. The right to be happy and glad. The right to pick your nose and fart as you please. To go topless and have sex in your yard. I believe simple is better. I believe in lust at first sight and love at first quiet talking moment. I believe in science and I believe science don't have all the answers. I believe something's cannot or have not be answered and look like miracles. I believe humans have it all wrong. I believe I do too. I believe in love. I believe peace is possible but peace takes hard work that many find daunting. I believe anger is our easiest default emotion, I know, because I default a lot. 
I believe some of the best people in my life don't know how much I really care for them ( this does not include my family, they know)
I believe I'm not that important yet I am everything. I believe it's hard to feel beautiful when society says your not. I believe it's hard to be a woman in whatever society you're born into. I believe I don't get touched enough, loved enough, and smiled at enough. I believe I'm alone too much. I believe I might be needy but I might just be human. I believe life is too short to give a fuck if you like my beliefs. I do believe you have the right to your own beliefs. I believe smiles work and so do kisses. I believe people are too stuffy and uptight. I believe that there was a Jesus and a Mohammed but I don't believe we can say what they allegedly said was the truth because we were not there. I emphatically do not believe in the story of Adam and Eve. I believe in some sort of evolution. I believe I'm finished for this evening. I believe it's time to make dinner.

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