Friday, April 15, 2011

Hear me ROAR!

I am not happy right now. I am very very angry. Explosive, volatile, my hair is wicking lava from the core of my being. I am so disgusted with marriage life I could, as my mother always says, "Spit nails!"

I am unable to find the love. I have only venom. I am a woman with rage, piss in her veins, and grit in her eye. I am hell bent and looking for trouble. I am at full tilt trouble machine. I can remove genitals with my steely glare alone!

Why should I be expected to work and perform like Superman, um, superWOMAN, and the man in my life can flake off and be Homer?

"Yes, sir, I knew what I was doing. If you had lived with him you would have done it too! I bet ya a dollar you would have done it sooner!"

I guess it is time to put on my big girl panties and FIX all the mishaps and sweep his retardation under the rug until the next time. A woman's work is never done! Never done, I tell ya!

And just for the record I didn't get to say this enough so I will say it here, "FUCK YOU!" "Can't believe  you!"  and my favorite, "KISS MY FUCKIN ASS!"

Now I will take my drunk ass to bed and resort to ignoring him until next week. NIGHT! 

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