Monday, April 11, 2011

is it worth it?

I just read an article, like many before it, the jest was your attitude is the deciding factor on how long you live. Anybody that has spent any time at all studying "new age" foo-foo spirituality all know this to be true. We have all heard the saying "mind over matter." It is exactly that! You decide in your mind. I like to add a twist and say, "and the rest don't matter."

I am 36. When I was young that seemed like a very old age to be. I am now looking at it saying, "I have just begun!" I am ready for getting older, in numbers, and wiser with years. I am ready for the fun journey ahead. Yet, many of my peers are fearing it to the point they are saying extremely negative things that make me cringe. I cringe not for me, but for them. for what they are creating in their life by constantly saying and thinking about this ridiculous fear.

"I don't want to get old." Solution: Die young.
"I am an old lady" Result: You will be in a nursing home at 55-65 when everybody else is still active.
"My body just keeps falling apart." Result: It will get so bad you can't fix it and then whine some more.
"I don't want wrinkles or gray hair." Solution: Dye your hair and get a face lift and be laughed at behind your back because you look ridiculous because we KNOW you are old by looking at the rest of you or die young."
"The older I get the sicker I get."
"The older I get the worse it gets."
You get the picture. Yep, you are creating your life, your world, your experiences.

I see it all the time on Facebook. This constant complaining and it is always negative. What is wrong with getting older? What is wrong with embracing life? I decided long ago, as a child, I wanted to get old. I loved how old lady's hands felt. I liked the stories they had. I liked their gray hair. I do not fear age and it shows.

While many of my 30-something peers take medications for blood pressure, heart meds, blood sugar controlling meds, allergy meds, and pain killers galore I take none! I am overweight, yes, I do get headaches at times (stress related/physical or mental) and at times have some allergy issues.
I, on the other hand, go to the doctor rarely and I keep a positive outlook on my future. I don't dwell on the fear I revel in the joy of getting older and it shows.

It is unsettling though when I finally go to the doctor and they are surprised I take no medications. They are surprised that being overweight I have great blood pressure and my sugar levels are OK. They are surprised, period.

When did being 36 become old to the masses? Well I am not buying it. I am not going to be swindled out of life to please the masses.

I am going to live and I state every single day of my life, "Everyday my life gets better and better. I feel better everyday. I am more active and healthier everyday. Life is great! I look forward to getting older!"

And you know what? 36 is way better than 30 and 30 was way better than 20 and.... just keeps getting better!

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