Monday, May 16, 2011

Little tid bit

It is common for stay-at-home moms to hear comments about how their life is actually easier than the working mother. That is because the working mother has to actually work. I myself had heard this many times from working mothers. I am not saying their life is not difficult but mine is in no way easier. If anything it is harder. Harder because I don't have much adult time. Harder because my boys are always home which equates to more messes. The house is always in a state of chaos and disorder because there are three boys with three different attitudes about cleanliness. They each pull out and muck up the house in their own personal way. I have them help me, but if anybody has three boys you know this is like trying to make pancakes in a tornado.

I would like it if people would realize that many stay-at-home mothers are busy people. We are not watching soaps, or TV for that matter. We are not sitting around eating bon-bons and abusing prescription pain killers. We are outside watering plants, burying dead chickens, starting wood fires to cook dinner, dishes, laundry, picking up dead squished blood filled ticks, bathing dogs, and in my case, homeschooling before we "start the day." When working mothers are planning on getting off work I have already been on my feet working several hours while most of them have sat behind a desk.

My wish is everybody stop putting labels on others. Stop the stereotypes. I am sure there are some mothers that stay home and do nothing! From my experience those that say those things about us mothers that stay home with our children are the ones that lie around and do nothing when they are not at work.  Unlike you, I don't have a day off. I am at work 24/7/365. Just respect my work and my decision.
That is all I ask for.

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