Sunday, May 22, 2011

Many projects

This is the summer of many projects. Summer is not even here and I already have a dark tan with burns on it. I have muscles in places I didn't know had muscles. I have on and off aches and pains, blisters, scratches, and plum tuckered out!

Most days I am grimy, sweaty, filthy, and smelly. My nails, even when clean, have taken on a strange brown color. My hair has suffered terribly with usually being knotted up behind my head in a twisted bun. I find chunks of dirt in every crevice, crack, and hairy area on my body. My work bra has a earthy look to its once baby blue hue.

I have 3 working gardens and working towards more. I am planning a food forest to be planted next spring that needs to be planned and worked on this season. I have a pond I am digging and the land around it will become a shade garden. I have plans on making a south facing passive solar greenhouse so I can have fresh produce in the winter growing kale and other cool friendly foods and right now we are getting the retaining walls installed to prevent anymore erosion and stop flooding in the basement.

Lots of positive projects planned. I am looking forward to getting my farm going and get it going great! My goal is to not buy any veggies at all. Possibly not buy any fruit or nuts either. Got to keep working!!
This is the kind of work that keeps you healthy and lively and happy. Nothing quite like it!

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